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Showing posts from August, 2016

The Benefits of a Mommy and Me Group

The birth of your new baby is a very rewarding experience, but it can also be a challenge.  New parents often report extreme emotions; high highs, low lows and inevitable anxieties.  Life changes drastically and you are suddenly responsible for a new little person who depends on your physical, emotional and cognitive stability.  This change can be difficult.  Before baby arrived, your attention was focused on yourself and your partner.  Now you must focus a significant amount of time and attention on your baby, leaving less time for you and others. A Good Mommy and Me Class can help smooth the transition into parenthood.  The benefits can be significant for both Mom and Baby. Mommy and Me benefits for Mom and Baby . Just Get Out! Taking a class and participating in activities together outside the home will help strengthen the bond between you and your baby.  Inside the home the mundane tasks required for daily life can make focused bonding time a...