Infant Reflux on the Rise ? By Richard Pass, RN,BS Director, Save A Little Life, inc. When doing my pediatric CPR and family emergency workshop I often hear parents concern over episodes where the infant seems to stop breathing, causing tremendous fear for that family. In some instances a 9-1-1 call is made, particularly when the baby “turns blue” (a cardinal sign of low oxygen). These episodes are frequently associated with feeding which increases the perception that a choking event is underway. Because of these very real fears many parents visit their pediatrician’s office and want answers. According to a recently published article in the Journal Pediatrics, there has been an alarming increase in the diagnosis of “infant reflux.” Among other things, this has been the cause of a huge increase in treatment, principally with the prescribing of acid suppressing medications (Pepcid, Zantac, etc.) for these infants. What Is Reflux? Taber’s medical dictio...